Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Parga May 2010

Just want to say thanks to Martyn, Lyn, Laura, Darren, Geoff, Pam, and all the others that made my trip to Parga with my Mother a very memorable and enjoyable time. Hopefully this quick video will bring back a few memories (that already seem like ages ago). The music is now indelibly stamped on my mind as the soundtrack to the holiday - and that's your fault Martyn & Lyn! LOL

Just to add - all my photos of parga, including those from this holiday, are available at photos.allgreek2me.com

1 comment:

Fozzy said...

Hi Dave

Great video - thanks! Brought back very fond memories of a truly fun holiday.

Tell Bess to keep practising the dance - not forgetting the dab!!!

Take care - will send some pics when I get the chance.

Love Lyn,Martyn, Laura and /darrenx