Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Valentines strike back

The follow on from the earlier post, we were spending the day down by the pool wandering up and down to and from the bar for drinks during the day. When it got to about 4pm we decided to call it a day and we gathered up our stuff to take back to the room only to discover that my sandals were missing. I went back up to the bar to check there even though I was sure I'd left them by the sunbed, but they were nowhere to be found. I thought it a bit odd that they could have been nicked as the palm pilot or MP3 player were sitting right next to them while we'd been at the bar and are of much higher value and they were both still present and accounted for. So we went back to the room anyway (me barefoot) and them I had a thought so I said to Shelley that I'm just going back to check again and once I'd got back to the bar there was the couple who yearn for a toaster with the husband wearing my sandals. "Sorry to bother you but are you sure you've put the right sandals on?", I ask. At which point his wife looks and says to her husband, "Oh, those are like the pair you had last year!", so not only are they nicking my sandals but they are also pointing out that I'm wearing 'last year's fashion'!
He sheepishly removed them as another guy in the bar declared it was probably my beer he was drinking too.

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